Confessions of A Carb Queen

The Lies We Tell Others...The Lies We Tell Ourselves.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Response to an Email....

Hi Everyone...

I received an amazing email today from someone. I won't share her email with you because of privacy and trust, but I will share with you that she has been having some struggles...don't we all at times!!! I'd like to share with you all my response because I so identified with her struggle and thought that so many of you could as well.

"OK..Listen.. STOP! Right now. Just STOP and take a breathe. Realize what you are doing to your life. We ALLLLL have issues every single day. You have to realize WHY you are turning to food and what food is giving you that you can't get somewhere else. Love, acceptance, courage etc. However, realize that food is an entitity. It doesn't give love, acceptance and courage. That can ONLY come from you!!!!

NOW....listen to me. Today is a new day. Just for this meal, just for today stay on program. No promises for tomorrow, no promises for the next meal. Just today...just right now. Then take another breathe. You CAN'T control anything external except the choices YOU CHOOSE for yourself."

I hope those words help people today...writing them helped me.

Have a great day everyone...Keep me posted!! Warmly, Susan

Good Advise....

Mornin' Everyone...

Thank you again for all of you incredible emails!!! I hope that I'm able to guide you in the right direction and help all of you with this incredible and wonderful journey!!!

So I realized something this morning as I was walking to get a cup of coffee at 6:15am.....walking. This miraculous activity that so many of us take for granted is not only good for our health, but great for our emotional health as well. As most of you know by now...this transition from Durham, NC and the Rice Diet Program to New York hasn't been easy for many, many reasons. I figured out this morning that this week alone I walked almost 30 miles. 30 MILES!!!!! I can't even believe it!! That is one major advantage of living in NY and being in NYC. Everything is about walking. However, I have also included that walking in my own home area. For instance...instead of driving to get a cup of coffee this morning...I walked. I could have very easily drove. It's about 1/4 mile each way. I walked the other day to the post office. I would have very easily drove. I rode my bicycle to the beach the other day...12 miles in total. I could have very easily drove!! (By the about emotional health! Take a walk/bike ride to a natural habitat and you'll see how LITTLE your problems become!!!)

So my advise for everyone this morning is take that extra walk. Somewhere. When I was almost 500 pounds that "little walk" was an extra couple steps. Whatever that "little walk" is for you at this moment in time...take it! Claim it! Only you can take it!!! You'll be surprised how much better you feel, emotionally and physically!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!!!!

Keep me posted!!! Warmly, Susan :)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

It's Sunday Night in New York

Hi Everyone!

I can't believe this time three weeks ago I was driving up the Southern State Parkway in New York headed to my new apartment and my new life. Thinner, happier, more focused, emotionally healthy and scared....very scared.

It's been three weeks and life is actually OK. I've lost 5 pounds since being here. Not too bad. I said before I left that if I stayed the same weight for 2 months after I got back I would be happy. We'll see...I still have 5 weeks to go! As per Dr. Neelon's last words to me, "If you do one thing, always, promise me you will weight yourself every day." I said yes....and if you say "yes" to Dr. Neelon, you better mean it and you better do it. So far, I've weighed myself every single day...even on the days when I REALLLYYY didn't want too! I was refreshed to find solace in knowing what that extra serving of pasta or that bag of no salt potatoe chips "cost" me on the scale. It's never as bad as you think. Really!!! I've gone through the hard times and now I'm getting geared up for structure in my life!!

How is everyone doing??!!! Thank you so much for all of your emails!!! They are amazing stories and all of you are amazing people! Keep up the good work!

I'll be adding some more pics and recipes in the weeks to come! My computer is up and running so I'll keep you posted as to what I'm finding out on "the outside!"

Keep me posted!!!! Warmly, Susan

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


Hi Everyone!!!!

I's been a while! I've moved back to New York and it's just been one craziness after another.

I just wanted to touch base to let everyone know that I will be starting my formal posting this weekend!!!

I have SOOOO much to tell everyone! So many great tips and hints that will help all of you along your personal journey.

I promise to respond to EVERY email that I've gotten, as well!!

Make sure to pick up my new article on stands now in FIRST magazine...Page 32!!!!!

"Speak" to everyone this weekend!!!!

Warmly, Susan