Response to an Email....
Hi Everyone...
I received an amazing email today from someone. I won't share her email with you because of privacy and trust, but I will share with you that she has been having some struggles...don't we all at times!!! I'd like to share with you all my response because I so identified with her struggle and thought that so many of you could as well.
"OK..Listen.. STOP! Right now. Just STOP and take a breathe. Realize what you are doing to your life. We ALLLLL have issues every single day. You have to realize WHY you are turning to food and what food is giving you that you can't get somewhere else. Love, acceptance, courage etc. However, realize that food is an entitity. It doesn't give love, acceptance and courage. That can ONLY come from you!!!!
NOW....listen to me. Today is a new day. Just for this meal, just for today stay on program. No promises for tomorrow, no promises for the next meal. Just today...just right now. Then take another breathe. You CAN'T control anything external except the choices YOU CHOOSE for yourself."
I hope those words help people today...writing them helped me.
Have a great day everyone...Keep me posted!! Warmly, Susan