New inspiration
Hi All!!!
Wow...thank you so much for your emails! They really make my day!! I am so glad that so many of you have been inspired by my book. Trust me, it wasn't easy to write some of the things that are in the book, but to read the hundreds of emails saying how my story has inspired each and every one of you...then it was ALL worth it!!
Inspiration..that's a great word! What inspires me?....your joke!!!, my want for a life filled with experiences and joy, positive people in my life that add to my life, the look in a child's eye when I tell them they will be "OK" because I will motivate them about diet and exercise, to see those same children come back to me a month later and tell me they lost 5 pounds!!!, my mother and father...neither of them had an easy life and yet they are the most positive people I have ever met!!...and lastly but certainly not family and friends they I find joy in every single day!!!
So tell me what inspires you???
I'll leave you with a quote that I love:
Decide what you want
Determine steps to get there
Belive in yourself
Motivate yourself
Ask for help
Think positive!!!
Get inspired today!!!!!
Keep me posted!
Warmly, Susan