Confessions of A Carb Queen

The Lies We Tell Others...The Lies We Tell Ourselves.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


My new mantra...Life Rewards Action! I typed it up on the computer and took a push pin and put that baby right on my wall in my office.

Intentions are good. I want to lose weight. I want a new job. I want to have a better life. I want to be happier. What are you going to do about it? Make a plan and execute it. You will need the following ingredients:

1. Courage
2. Support (family, friends, co-workers. Only requirement is that they are positive!)
3. Sense of humor
4. Discipline

Mix them all together well. Be patient. Continue to mix well until things seem to fall together and then enjoy the rewards!!!

It's not going to be easy. Keep strong and know that you are worth it!!!!

More later...

Keep me posted...

Warmly, Susan

Sunday, August 10, 2008

There is no reality only....

There is no reality...only perception. For example:

1. That person has it sooo put together
2. I wish I had what that other person had
3. That person must make more money than me
4. That person must be soooo happy
5. Only if [fill in the blank!]
6. That person must be thrilled because [fill in the blank!]

There is no reality...only perception.

Yesterday, I was talking with my husband and a person that we know casually comes up to us and starts talking. He starts telling us how his office space is so expensive and that he was thinking about moving his location to a remote location within NYC. So I said to him, "Well, that might be great, but it might be a big problem for your employees." He just sort of chuckled and said, "What, I have 2 takes Access-a-Ride (which is a no cost cab service for the infirmed and/or elderly) and the other one..well...if he wants to keep his job he'll have to figure out a way to make it to work." He then said to us, "Good thing I got an apartment years ago because I wouldn't be able to afford anything now."

Now, just months earlier we had gone to his apartment for a get together. To say that it is a sprawling apartment is an understatement. Simply beautiful. Gorgeous. It just seemed clear to me that he must be have everything in his life that he could possible want and he must have a huge business to support this type of lifestyle. But reality is....there is not reality...only perception. I perceived something based on what I saw, not what was reality.

Similar to how we view ourselves. Haven't all of us thought badly about ourselves and then seen pictures and thought..."hey, I look good! What the heck was I thinking!" There is no reality...only perception.

So perceive your way to a beautiful inside....and the beautiful outside will surely catch up!

Keep me posted!

Susan :)

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Thank you Michelle!!!

Hey all!!

I got the most amazing email from Michelle..."Aren't you being too hard on yourself?"...well...after reading my last!!! Thank you Michelle for pointing that out in such a gentle way. Sometimes I lose sight of the bigger picture...this is a marathon not a sprint. I say it over and over again to all of our patients at the think I would get it myself. However, I guess we all can get impatient. We all can see that there is the light at the end of the tunnel, but sometimes something (or someone!) can get in the way and make it hard to see.

The past few months I've done so much "work" on getting to the REAL reason why it has been so hard to lost the last 40. It's been emotionally draining, but I knew I had to do it or else I would never get to my ultimate goal. It's been hard, but I finally get it. I'm not always perfect, never pretended to be...hence my last entry! Thanks, again, Michelle!!!

Now I just have to continue to absorb it, find courage in another round of change, remember the "C" word...consistency!

Warmly, Susan :)