Confessions of A Carb Queen

The Lies We Tell Others...The Lies We Tell Ourselves.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

March 8th....

Thank you all for your emails! You're stories are truely inspiring and I continue to learn from each and every one of you!!

I've learned over the past few weeks that silence is so important. So many things go on during the day that it's so hard to focus on our health - which in reality is the only important thing. We take it for granted and I've made a committment not to live in the whirl-wind anymore. I'm taking the time out for me to just "be." Silence. Calming that inner brain so you're able to refresh yourself and get back to life.

Think about silence!

Keep keeping me posted!!!! You guys are my rock!

Warmly, Susan


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Sofa Spud said...

Since I spend most of my days alone in the house I get all the silence I need.
What I want to know, Susan, are you still doing Weight Watchers? Did you lose any more weight?

I need to lose about 200 pounds. I just got back to counting points. I'm feeling good about my one week on Weight Watchers and hope to be able to exercise soon.

Your story inspires me.



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