Confessions of A Carb Queen

The Lies We Tell Others...The Lies We Tell Ourselves.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Day 9, 10, 11....

Quote of the day:

The undertaking of a new action brings new strength. Evenius

Days 9, 10, 11

Starting: 45 pounds to lose


Day 9: +.7
Day 10: -1.5
Day 11: ----(stayed the same)

Pounds remaining: 33

Total for week 10/1 - 10/8: -11.2

Goal for week 10/8-10/15: -4
Total for week 10/8-10/15:

Vitamins: No...oops!

Today's Grateful List:

1. not living at 72nd and York!
2. subways that are on time
3. no salt popcorn

Physical: My trainer cancelled the workout
Spiritual: 1/2 of my morning prayer


Long day at work. Tired. Going to sleep early for sure!!

Just wanted to touch base. Seems like reporting "in" every three days works well for me. I've been in the city late recently and when I finally get home I just need to take a shower and go to sleep. Tonight I was happy to come home early. Made some amazing pasta with good sauce (yummy chipotle onions!!!). Going to take a shower and head to bed.

Hope everyone is doing well out there!!! More soon.....


At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Tomorrow, make sure to add some extra to the workout.


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