Confessions of A Carb Queen

The Lies We Tell Others...The Lies We Tell Ourselves.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Monday Madness!!!

Hi Everyone!

What a crazzzyyyy day today! There is another photo shoot set up for tomorrow and so much going on that I can't wait to share it all with you!!!!!

Anyway...back to basics! Breathhhhhh!!!! Yes! Breath! Everyone needs to just take a five minute breather in a closet, in a bathroom, in your car, in the woods...wherever! Just take 5 minutes for yourself becuase you need it and you want it and you deserve it!

Ok...I just took my 5 minute breather at my desk.

How is everyone doing on the program!??? I've gotten such amazing responses from people losing 5 pounds in three day, 7 pounds in one day!!!, 3 pounds in 2 days. It's just incredible. Just know that just the beginning. As you continue to lose you will level off and lose moderately. That's great!!! Keep it up. Add some exercise when you can.

Check out this recipe when you can. It's amazing!!!!! It's actually one of my favorites!!!! Let me know how you like it! Add it with a little pasta and your good to go!

Crispy Pearl Onions

Pearl Onions
Garlic power
Black pepper
Olive Oil Mist
Cream of Wheat (uncooked)

Spray non stick spray on cookie sheet. Mix all ingredients together. Mist with olive oil. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour or until very crispy!

Keep me posted!!!! Warmly, Susan :)


At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Susan
I couldn't believe you answered my are so nice and soooo skinny!!!! I'm doing the diet and I can't believe how great I feel!!!!that sodium thing is so true. Well of course I fell off the diet wagon on Friday and couldn't believe how bad I felt Saturday....sooooo I'm back on if not to lose weight to just plain feel good!!!!!
Thanks for your support!!!

At 8:11 PM, Blogger Banu said...

You are such a great inspiration. I hope that I can achieve what you have. When I look at you and hear from your story I think she was me. I am in my 3's but I feel like I am in my 500's and about 60 yet I am only 34. I have a wonderful husband who accepts me and supports me and a 2 year old son that loves his mom even though she just sits and watches from a distance, as he plays. I don't want that life anymore. I am so inspired by your story, and your enthusiasm. Great JOB! I have purchased some items to start on the "rice diet" I didn't buy the book (not another book) but I visted the website (not alot of help) I get the point of the diet so I will try and do it on my own. I will follow the examples that you listed in the magazine. As I read the web site it says you have to do it in phases. Mostly I think it is important to listen to our bodies. Mine is crying out and really sick of the salt and diet soda and diet foods I am overfilling it with daily. I have given up soda last month and I will not buy another diet food. I will just learn to eat food in smaller quanties and with beneficial ingredience. I think Everyone is sooo sick of the word Diet. I really hope to see a changein portions sizes, and processed foods in stores and fast foods. I am also all for a food police to make us accountable for what we put in our bellies. :O) Best Wishes and thank you for your life changing story! You showed so much courage and strength to say your weight and how you struggled. May God bless you. Banu

At 6:48 PM, Blogger Susan Blech said...

Hi Banu!

I totally know what you mean about feeling heavier than you are!! TRUST ME I know!!! So this is the deal! I want to help you! For real!!! You can do this if we do it together. My first suggestion is that Dr. and Kitty Rosati's book is not just another book. You will need to purchase it to understand how the program works and how your body will be changing. I would highly suggest buying it...I'm SURE it will be the last one you buy! Better yet....get it from the library! Hey...doesn't hurt the pocket book AND you get the benefit!

I don't call this program a diet...I call it a journey. There is not "being on" or "being off." There are no I was "bad" today. It's a journey. Some days will be better than others. I REFUSE to be ashamed of my body, my actions or my choices. They are what make me the beautiful person that I am and was...even at 468 pounds!

SOOOO....girlfriend!! I'm SO proud of you. PLEASE let me know if I can help in any way!!! I'm truly here for you! Warmly, Susan :)


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